Section: New Software and Platforms

Mouse-based lagmeter

Participants : Géry Casiez [correspondent] , Stéphane Huot, Nicolas Roussel.

As part of the work reported in  [46], we implemented our mouse-based method for measuring end-to-end latency using Java/Swing, C++/GLUT, C++/Qt and JavaScript/HTML5. We also wrote Python scripts to parse the logs generated by these implementations in order to compare them. This software (about 2,500 lines of code) was made available in 2016 on a public git repository. The online interactive demo has been improved to collect anonymous latency measurement data from users and integrate libpointing in order to get information about the input and output devices connected. A native Android version has also been developed.

Web site: http://mjolnir.lille.inria.fr/turbotouch/lagmeter/

Software characterization: [A-1] [SO-4] [SM-1] [EM-2] [SDL-1]